In his Interview with SOCIET Y Philip Nobel, our President of the Nobel International Academy, shares some inspiring facts about his own life and his ambitions with the Academy.
A very humble personality with strong family roots and a famous great-grand-uncle Alfred Nobel, Philip Nobel himself steps into the believes of his father who once famously said to him “it doesn’t really matter which name that you’re born with… what really matters is the name that you leave behind you” i.e. your own actions during your lifetime must and will define who you are.
Philip Nobel presides the Nobel International Academy “where we strive to offer high-level education, online/distance- learning, promote research and higher achievements. By doing this, I feel that I kind of follow in the footsteps of my great- grand-father who created “Branobel” and encouraged education among the children of the employees at a time, when children were supposed to work and not study if they didn’t belong to a certain category. We live in a world today where communication and technology have reduced the borders and education should and must be available to everyone.”
With his strong dedication and commitment towards his vision, online educational technology is a key tool to his success. “Of course, online-courses are not a novelty but what I wanted to create was a community, a fraternity if you like, of where students, scholars, Nobel Prize winners and policy-makers could actually interact. That was my vision and aim when I created this institution. We are now active in Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and our projects are to expand into Asia and so on. We wish to bring our concept as far as possible in partnership with universities, other educational institutions and governments.” (Philip Nobel)
Philip Nobel was born in Stockholm/Sweden on 2 March 1970. He studied at the University of Lausanne/ Switzerland (Economics and Business studies).Currently he is President of the Nobel International Academy.