Work-Life Balance: We have recently posted an interesting article on Work-Life Balance and better ways to thing about it. Inspired by Shana Lebowitz, the writer of that article, we have some more aspects to share on the work-life balance topic, especially in relation to education.
Many of our students happen to be very busy people, they may either be pursuing several degrees at a time, they be working whilst pursuing their degree or they may have a family or a spouse who also require their attention. We all have multiple roles to fulfill in our life and work-life balance seems often too unattainable. We are very clear that many of our students fall in the so-called millennial category where flexibility, family and friends are often prioritized to career. Quality of life is a major factor and therefore we aim at making further education as relevant and flexible as possible.
With the popularity of MOOC’s and a latest trend of competency-based education, there is no surprise that millennial are using those sources to a vast extend. They’re both flexible in terms of timing and location as well as accessible from multiple devices.
Nobel International Fraternity Academy is a leading institution offering undergraduate and postgraduate education. Because it is important to us that our students perform well across all areas of their life, our online platform incorporates both the flexibility and accessibility factor. You can choose to view your course lecture whilst at home on the sofa, during your lunch break at the office or whilst waiting for you dinner to cook. In addition, the courses are run under QCF (Qualifications Credit Framework), a new way of recognising skills and qualifications. It does this by awarding credit for units (small steps of learning) and enables learners to gain qualifications at their own pace along flexible routes.This ties in with the competency-based education where the employer and the student are clear on the competencies that the student can perform. So, what has all this to do with work-life balance?
To insure work-life balance you have to make the right choices in the first place. What do you put on your plate and where do you say no? When choosing further education, make sure it is aligned with your needs and your goals. You want to be sure you can tackle the study program in the time spam provided whilst living your professional and personal life.