Goals: Many of us have objectives and goals we are trying to reach in life. Those can vary from passing a degree to getting employment, setting up your own entrepreneurial venture or even health & fitness goals. To achieve goals, you must know what the actual goal is, which actions and resources it takes, how to implement those, what may hinder you and how to keep your motivation going. We’d like to share with you some tips on how to achieve your goals more efficiently.
1. Goals – SMART
In project management the SMART approach is a very common way of setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bond. Unless you can clearly define each of those, you may have troubles throughout the following steps and specifically when you will try to identify when you have achieved your goal at the end. A SMART goal for our online student for example may be studying one learning objective for each subject (Measurable) during one-week for 5 hours daily (Time-bond) by creating mind-maps (Specific) of the materials during the first 3 days and then implementing the contents of the mind maps over the following 3 days by taking quizzes or sample test questions on those learning objectives. Taking one day a week “off” makes it realistic since we all need the occasional break. Splitting the big task into smaller objectives of taking one learning unit at a time makes it more achievable as well.
2. Action plan and Resources
To achieve any goal, commitment and dedication is key. Seeing the big picture and being able to break it down into smaller components, will show the relevant actions it takes to turn the goal into reality. Breaking it down into minor milestones, the resources in terms of timing, maybe facilities, financial, human capital and other becomes evident. In the example of our online student, he will need a study room that is available to him during the hours he is most productive in the day (or night) and the support he gets from the faculty through our online platform.
3. Possible obstacles
No project or goal will ever be achieved without unexpected challenges that may make the road to success a bit bumpy. The first step is to be aware in advance that setbacks are normal and may come rather then letting them take you by surprise. Many possible obstacles can be foreseen in advance, have a plan B how to decrease their impact on your success of achieving the goal. In the example of our student, he may get a cold in autumn and not be able to study for several days onwards. As long as he has calculated extra weeks for his exam preparation in advance, such an obstacle will not hinder him achieving the final goal.
In our next blog post, we will share with you two remaining tips on how to achieve your goals more efficiently. In the meantime, let us know which you are trying to tackle; we’d love to hear from you.