Practical psychologist, psychotherapist, certified specialist in the field of crisis psychotherapy, member of the Russian Psychological Society.
Head of the Scientific and Practical Laboratory of Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Intercultural Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Theater Disciplines of MITU-MASI.
Member of the Working Group on Interethnic, Interfaith Relations and Prevention of Extremism of the Expert Council for the Development of Civic Education and Socialization of Students of the Committee on Science and Education of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association for enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training 37.00.00 Psychological sciences.
Laureate of the National Academy of Fire Safety Science Prize for Crisis Psychotherapy.
Practical psychologist, psychotherapist.
Candidate of Psychology, Head of the Regional Branch of the Federation of Educational Psychologists, member of the Russian Psychological Society.
The proposed integrative approach closely intertwines the ideas of the analytical, humanistic, cognitive-behavioral and multimodal directions and the original author’s view of the nature of most psychoemotional and psychosomatic disorders.
The main ideas of this approach:
- focusing on the client’s personality as holistic and unique;
- research of the client’s problems throughout the life path;
- assistance in solving psychological problems using specially developed techniques;
- development of client’s intuition, flexibility and spontaneity;
- development of reflection and a systematic view of existing problems;
- gaining a harmonious, holistic perception of oneself and the world around us using a variety of therapeutic approaches.
The seminar programs involve the training of specialists within the framework of an integrative approach that uses the theoretical, methodological and practical arsenal of various schools of psychotherapy.
The main goal of the Program is the art and skill of psychotherapeutic communication.
The main teaching tool is the experience of perception and awareness, experience and living of the psychotherapeutic process.
The main objectives of the courses:
- acquaintance with the ways of prevention of mental development deviations
- mastering the practical techniques of psychological diagnostics
- practicing techniques of psychological counseling, psychocorrectional work and psychotherapy
Participation in the programs will help expand and deepen the existing psychological knowledge, will contribute to professional and personal growth.
The training is practical.
Classes start in November 2020.
Course outline
Seminars 1-2. Integration in psychotherapy: developmental lines, causes and possibilities
Psychotherapeutic integration. Historical overview. Factors of the effectiveness of interaction in psychotherapy. Research models in integration. A modern integrative approach. Factors contributing to the development of integration in psychotherapy. Problems of “mythologization” in an integrative approach.
Seminars 3-4. Integrative Strategic Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
Types of anxiety disorders. Epidemiology. Diagnostics. The etiology of anxiety disorders within the main psychotherapeutic approaches. Features of the therapeutic setting with this category of patients. Generalized anxiety disorder. Panic attacks. Stages of psychotherapy. Dealing with a symptom. The use of techniques and techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy, art therapy, body-oriented therapy, existential-humanistic therapy.
Seminars 5-6. Integrative Strategic Therapy for Depression
Types of depression. Epidemiology. Diagnostics. The etiology of depression in the framework of the main psychotherapeutic approaches. Features of the therapeutic setting with this category of patients. Stages of psychotherapy. The use of techniques and techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy, art therapy, body-oriented therapy, existential-humanistic therapy.
Seminars 7-8. Integrative Strategic Therapy for Psychosomatic Disorders
Types of psychosomatic disorders. Epidemiology. Diagnostics. The reasons for the development of psychosomatic disorders from the point of view of various psychotherapeutic approaches. Features of the therapeutic setting with this category of patients. Stages of psychotherapy. Specificity of work with a secondary benefit in persons with psychosomatic disorders. The use of techniques and techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy, art therapy, body-oriented therapy, existential-humanistic therapy.
Seminars 9-10. Integrative Strategic Crisis Therapy
Crisis therapy concept. Various types of crisis conditions (divorce, separation, loss, violence, maladaptive behavior). Features of building psychotherapeutic rapport with patients in crisis. Psychotherapy strategy. The use of various methods of psychotherapy, at different stages of experiencing a crisis. The concept of a crisis personality. Specificity of psychocorrection and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy “Victims”.
Students who have successfully completed the training and defended the final work receive a certificate of NOBEL INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY (Switzerland).